Whether Sony, Ebay, Microsoft or Siemens: They all enjoyed the unique entertainment and the passion with which our events and races are organized, and praised and recommended them in their networks. This is the highest possible award and the best incentive for us - thank you for that!
When do you give us the opportunity to inspire you, too?
Conergy AG | Ernst & Young |
3M Deutschland | Johnson & Johnson |
Aengeveldt KG | JOOP |
Air Liquid GmbH | Kienbaum & Partner |
Akzo Nobel | Kinseki Europe GmbH |
Alamo | Kurita Europe GmbH |
Alcatel | Kyocera Mita |
Accenture GmbH | Lufthansa AG |
AOK | Liqui-Moly GmbH |
Arxes AG | L'Oréal |
Arndt AG | Messer Griesheim |
Bankhaus Lampe | Metro AG |
Barclays | Microsoft |
Bayer AG | McKinsey |
Beiersdorf AG | Milchstrasse Verlag |
BMW AG | Nissan GmbH |
Boston Consulting | Nokia |
Braun | Nortel Networks |
Canon | Novell |
Cerruti 1881 GmbH | Oracle |
Coca-Cola | ÖRAG AG |
Credit Suisse | o.tel.o |
Compaq AG | Philips |
Braun | Pierburg |
Canon | Pioneer Electronics |
Coca-Cola | Procter & Gamble |
Compaq | R+V Versicherung |
DaimlerChrysler AG | Raab Karcher |
Deutsche Post AG | Schindler Aufzüge |
Deutsche Bank AG | Schmalbach-Lubeca |
Dorint AG | Sony |
DSLCOMP AG | Siemens AG |
Dyckers & Friends | Soeffing |
Ebay | Spütz AG |
EMC² | Stabilo Edding |
Energizer | Stockheim |
Epson | Tally AG |
Ericsson | Tobaccoland |
Fujitsu Siemens | Toshiba |
Ford Werke AG | TotalFinaElf |
Gruner + Jahr AG | Trinkaus & Burkhardt |
GlaxoSmithKline | TYCO Healthcare |
Grey | UPS Deutschland |
Heineken | WGZ Bank |
Henkel KGaA | VAW Aluminium AG |
Hitachi Europe GmbH | Vereinsbank |
HSBC | Vizona West |
Hewlett-Packard | Vodafone D2 GmbH |
The above list of customers is far from complete. We limited ourselves to 100 random entries.
We kindly ask for your understanding.